Headed by Dr.Anitadas Ravindranath, Senior Scientific Officer, Ph-+91 477 2258480 (Bio-data) | |||
Conventional methods of coir fibre extraction is labour intensive involving soaking coconut husks in bundles in the backwaters for retting. After retting the husks are drawn out for fibre extraction. Retting leads to the release of large amount of phenolic compounds which emanate a foul smell and also effect the growth of aquatic flora and fauna. Coir fibre extracted from coconut husks subjected to a process of natural retting. Retting not only pollutes the back waters in Kerala but it is also not economical to soak the husks in water for 6 to 11 months. Central Coir Research Institute has developed a bacterial consortium "COIRRET". By applying COIRRET we can reduce the retting period from 11 months to 3 months and improve the quality of green husk fibre within 72 hrs. The main advantages of this process: 1. Reduces the cost of production 2. Maximum utilisation of the husk potential It is an environment friendly process. The bacterial consortia can be treated on coir fibre bales extracted by mechanical means. The treatment can be carried out in RCC ta Method of application of COIRRET(6 kg.per 1 ton fibre)On Coir Fibre(Basis one tonne): Soak the fibre in water for 12 hrs. Drain the coloured water and refill the tank with fresh water. Add 6 kg. of Coirret allow to remain for 48 hours and drain. Refill and allow to remain for 12 hrs. Drain and dry the fibre bales. |
